Units arrived within 1 minute and members operated on scene for roughly an hour with miminal damage to the home. #firefighter #iaff... (Full Story & Photos)
Peter Woods, a beloved resident of Hartsdale, a decorated NYPD Police Sergeant, and a Hartsdale Fire Commissioner passed away from a 9-11 related Leukemia on January 9, 2021.
In his memory, an Annual Blood Drive has been organized which will take place on Sunday, March 2nd from 8am to 2pm in the Sacred Heart School Gym (59 Wilson St. Hartsdale, NY).
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Fire Commissioner Frances Stanley.
In her more than fifty years of service to the fire district, Commissioner Stanley constantly supported our community and department. Many of our members will recall a quiet conversation with her before a board meeting, her quick check-ins on the duty crew at the kitchen table, or her almost guaranteed appearance ... (Full Story & Photos)
There is currently a vacancy on the Board of Fire Commissioners. As per Fire District Law, the current Board will appoint a replacement to serve on the Board for the remainder of this year and potentially through December 31, 2026. Any resident of Hartsdale Fire District who is interested in applying for this open position should submit a letter of interest and resume to Sharon Spagnoli by email at sspagnoli@hartsdalefire.org ... (Full Story)
Celebrating it’s tenth annual Operation Candy Cane, The Hartsdale Fire Department spread holiday cheer throughout the community on Saturday, December 14th.
Santa, along with Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a team of elves, visited more than twenty communities, along with the Marian Woods Retirement Home for religious sisters. Since it began in 2015, off duty members of the Hartsdale Fire Department ... (Full Story & Photos)
The Hartsdale Fire Department is proud to announce our annual Operation Candy Cane, which will take place rain or shine on Saturday, December 14th 2024, from 9am – 1pm.
Off-Duty Hartsdale Firefighters will spread Holiday Cheer by escorting Santa Claus around the community in a Fire Engine Sleigh handing out Candy Canes to all attending children & adults.
Three new career firefighters recently joined the Hartsdale Fire Department bringing more than a decade of additional fire service experience to the community. The new Probationary Firefighters were formally sworn into the department at the December monthly meeting of the Hartsdale Fire District. Their positions became available as the result of previous retirements.
On this Holiday, your Hartsdale Firefighters wish you and your family a Happy, Healthy, and Safe Thanksgiving! It's an honor and a privilege to serve this community.
Also, it is with sincere gratitude, that we take this time to thank the many residents who dropped off tasty holiday treats today and countless other times throughout the year. Your thoughtfulness and kindness are much appreciated.
Yesterday afternoon, HFD and GPD members spent a little time in-between calls, with the sisters at Marian Woods. Hartsdale Fire and Greenburgh Police members were invited to share in some conversation, snacks, and of course a prayer with the sisters at Marian Woods during their annual "Tea with the Sisters" Event.
It was a wonderful opportunity to sit down and share some stories and information ... (Full Story & Photos)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that pursuant to Section 175 of the Town Law, the annual election of the Hartsdale Fire District will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at Hartsdale Fire Station No. 1, 25 South Central Park Avenue, Hartsdale, Town of Greenburgh, County of Westchester, State of New York, for the ... (Full Story)
The Hartsdale Fire Department responded to a two-car motor vehicle accident (MVA) on South Central Avenue in front of the Hyundai dealership on Sunday morning, November 10, 2024
Upon arrival HFD members found the driver of one vehicle still strapped in their vehicle with the car inverted. Firefighters stabilized the car and then worked with the Greenburgh Police Department to remove the victim from ... (Full Story & Photos)
The extrication of a worker whose hand was trapped in a salt spreader, to the out of hospital delivery of a baby, were just some of the heroic actions of the Hartsdale Fire Department that were acknowledged at their annual Recognition and Awards Ceremony.
The Board of Fire Commissioners, family, and friends, gathered at Ridge Road Park on Saturday, November 2nd, to honor members of the department ... (Full Story & Photos)
October proved to be a busy month of Fire Prevention Details for the HFD.
Members were honored to be a part of Greenburgh's Spooktoberfest and the Miracle League of Westchester events for their annual Halloween Festivals at Hartsbrook Park and Ridge Road Park respectively.
Also, the HFD was asked to conduct several Fire Prevention visits to our local Child Daycare Centers. At these visits to the ... (Full Story & Photos)
The Hartsdale Fire Department’s Babysitters Class held its annual graduation ceremony at Station 2, on Tuesday evening, October 22, 2024.
The HFD Babysitters Class teaches students how to handle different emergency situations using classroom and actual hands-on training. There is a total of 12 hours of instruction spread over six-classes.
The course has an emphasis on home safety and fire prevention. ... (Full Story & Photos)
The Hartsdale Fire Department (HFD) is proud to announce our participation in the Toys for Tots program for the 2024 Holiday Season. We will be collecting new and unwrapped toys for donation, starting November 1st, 2024. If you are interested in donating, please drop off toys in the Toys for Tots bin at Hartsdale Fire HQs located at 300 West Hartsdale Ave.
The Hartsdale Fire District and the Greenburgh Water Department will conduct Hydrant Tests in the coming weeks. The goal of our testing is to make sure our hydrants are functioning properly. It is critical to ensure our hydrants work in case of a fire or related emergency.
We will be performing Hydrant Tests in the Ridge Road and Sprain Road area on Wednesday October 9, 2024 from 7 am to 3 pm
As Fire Prevention Week approaches, the Hartsdale Fire Department urges residents to make sure your smoke alarms are working.
The theme for Fire Prevention Week, October 6-12, 2024 is “Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!"
Your Hartsdale Fire Department is teaming up with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)—the official sponsor of Fire Prevention Week for more than 100 years—to promote ... (Full Story & Photos)
Finding a few minutes during a busy Saturday, HFD Members stopped by the Windsor Park Association's Annual Picnic in the Homewood Court cul-de-sac this afternoon. All enjoyed the community gathering and conversations, especially the children who received a personal tour of the Fire Engine.
The Board of Fire Commissioners has met and approved a proposed budget for the 2025 fiscal year.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the proposed budget, in accordance with New York State Town Law 181(c), is available for public inspection and copying, and is attached. The same proposed budget is filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Greenburgh.
By order of the Board of Fire Commissioners... (Full Story)
The Hartsdale Fire District and the Greenburgh Water Department will conduct Hydrant Tests in the coming weeks. The goal of our testing is to make sure our hydrants are functioning properly. It is critical to ensure our hydrants work in case of a fire or related emergency.
We will be performing Hydrant Tests in the Ridge Road and Sprain Road area on Thursday September 19, 2024 from 7 am to 3 pm
Hartsdale FD, as part of Squad 36 responded to the Village of Ardsley to assist Ardsley FD with a truck into a house. First arriving Ardsley units secured a positive water source and requested all utility companies and their building department to the scene. Hartsdale, Greenville, Fairview units were requested to assist with shoring the building for vehicle removal. Ardsley FD and Squad 36 members ... (Full Story & Photos)
Fellow firefighters, family, and friends gathered outside Hartsdale Fire Station 2 for a ceremonial walkout to say goodbye to longtime Hartsdale Firefighter Ian Forbes as he walked out the door for his last time, on Friday, September 13, 2024, to start his retirement.
Firefighter Forbes joined the department more than 16 and 1/2 years ago. Prior to working with HFD he worked for the City of Poughkeepsie ... (Full Story & Photos)
The Hartsdale Fire District is proud to announce our 52nd Annual Babysitters Course to anyone twelve years of age or older who has not taken this course before.
This valuable course is offered every year as a service to our residents and neighbors. It provides the basic training necessary to become competent qualified babysitters. As a babysitter, you are responsible for the care and safety of our ... (Full Story & Photos)
The Hartsdale Fire District and the Greenburgh Water Department will conduct Hydrant Tests in the coming weeks. The goal of our testing is to make sure our hydrants are functioning properly. It is critical to ensure our hydrants work in case of a fire or related emergency.
We will be performing Hydrant Tests in the Ridge Road and Sprain Road area on Tuesday August 13, 2024 from 7 am to 3 pm
Friday 8/2/24 at 0835hrs Hartsdale Fire was dispatched to a vehicle into a building on South Central Ave. Hartsdale units were already operating at an Inside Gas Incident in the Poet's Corners section of town. HFD Engine 170 along with Greenville Squad 15 and Rescue 29 responded. HFD units 2172, E-169, TL-15 and Rescue 56 responded on a slight delay while the gas incident was being mitigated and ... (Full Story & Photos)
On this past Sunday afternoon around 3:10pm, the HFD was requested to respond on the 2nd Alarm to assist the Elmsford Fire Department at the scene of a working structure fire (code 10-75) at a private dwelling with extension to the home next door.
The HFD Company E171 arrived on the scene of the Winthrop block in the Elmsford Fire District within 6mins of dispatch. Together with several other Mutual ... (Full Story & Photos)
At approximately 8:50pm on Friday evening July 19th, the HFD was requested to respond with an Engine to 77 Knollwood Road for a reported fire on the roof of the Royal Palace Indian Restaurant.
First due units from the Fairview Fire District (FFD) arrived on scene of the 1-story restaurant with heavy smoke and fire showing from the roof. Upon further investigation, it was determined that the Roof-top ... (Full Story & Photos)
Around 9pm last night the Hartsdale Fire Department (HFD) was notified of a Structure Fire in the quiet Hartsdale neighborhood of Sunset Lane. The caller, a neighbor, reported visual smoke and fire coming from the vacant private dwelling.
A full department response was dispatched and upgraded to the full working structure fire (code 10-75) upon arrival. First due units arrived on scene within ... (Full Story & Photos)
Yesterday morning while the HFD was out in the area training, members came across a large event taking place at Ridge Road Park. The North East Westchester Special Recreation was holding their annual Summer Picnic.
North East Westchester Special Recreation, Inc. is a community based therapeutic recreation program for children, teens and adults with developmental disabilities residing in Westchester ... (Full Story & Photos)
The Hartsdale Fire District and the Greenburgh Water Department will conduct Hydrant Tests in the coming weeks. The goal of our testing is to make sure our hydrants are functioning properly. It is critical to ensure our hydrants work in case of a fire or related emergency.
We will be performing Hydrant Tests in the Poets Corner area on Thursday July 18, 2024 from 7 am to 3 pm
The Chelsea at Greenburgh, a Westchester Senior Living Community, responded to the HFD this afternoon providing the entire crew with a much appreciated surprise lunch, packed with 3ft heroes, chips, and bottled water!
We would like to thank the management and staff at the Chelsea, led by Executive Director Diane Mandracchia for their generosity and thoughtfulness.
Summer is synonymous with barbecues, parades, pools, beaches, and fireworks. The National Safety Council advises everyone to enjoy fireworks at public displays conducted by professionals, and not to use any fireworks at home. They may be legal in some areas, but they are not safe.
Every year, thousands of people are injured badly enough to require medical treatment after fireworks-related incidents, ... (Full Story & Photos)
The Hartsdale Fire District and the Greenburgh Water Department will conduct Hydrant Tests in the coming weeks. The goal of our testing is to make sure our hydrants are functioning properly. It is critical to ensure our hydrants work in case of a fire or related emergency.
We will be performing Hydrant Tests in the Poets Corner area on Friday June 28, and Monday July 1.
William Joseph Raftery, III, passed away peacefully on the morning of June 21, 2024 after a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease. He was 78 years old. "Billy" as he was known, is predeceased by just five days by his only brother and fellow firefighter, Chief Daniel Raftery of the Greenville Fire District.
Billy served the Hartsdale Fire District for 34 years, joining the department in 1971, and ... (Full Story & Photos)
Family, friends, and fellow firefighters gathered Friday morning at Sacred Heart Church in Hartsdale, for a final fire department send-off for Retired Greenville Fire Chief Daniel J. Raftery.
Chief Raftery passed away peacefully with his family by his side at Calvary Hospital in the Bronx on June 16, 2024 after a two-year battle with a 9/11-related cancer. He was 74 years old.