Hartsdale Fire Babysitters' Course
By Deputy Chief Frank Musorrafiti
September 15, 2023

Hartsdale Fire District Annual Babysitters' Course

The Hartsdale Fire District is proud to announce our 51st Annual Babysitters Course to anyone twelve years of age or older who has not taken this course before.

This valuable course is offered every year as a service to our residents and neighbors. It provides basic training for our students to be qualified babysitters. As a babysitter, you are responsible for the care and safety of our youth. Regardless of your age, you are performing a valuable and needed service for which you can be justly proud. We want you and the children for whom you are caring to feel secure while you are babysitting.

The course will be given at Hartsdale Fire HQs located at 300 West Hartsdale Ave from 7 to 9 PM on Tuesday and Thursday evenings Sept. 26th to Oct 17th, 2023.

The instructors for the Babysitters Course include a Neo-Natal Nurse, a Police Department Officer, a Paramedic, and Fire Department Training Instructors. Classroom lecture is combined with instructor demonstrations and visual media. Students also participate in hands-on classes such as Stop the Bleed, Rescue Breathing, CPR w/ AED, Infant Care, Fire Extinguishers, and much more. All students receive a Babysitter Course handbook and supplemental literature. Early registration is necessary. The class is limited to 35 students with Hartsdale residents receiving priority. Those accepted into the class will be contacted by phone or email.

For more information, or to pick up/drop off an application,please contact the Hartsdale Fire District at 914-949-2325 or stop in at Hartsdale Fire HQs at 300 West Hartsdale Ave. At the completion of this course, a listing of Babysitter Course Graduates, who grant us permission to use their name, will be made available to the public by the Hartsdale Fire District. This is done as a public service to those who are seeking the services of a qualified, responsible babysitter.

Attachment Babysitters Application 2023.pdf  (384k)